Cost of Capital


A rare behind-the-scenes look into the shadowy world of billionaire investors – where egos and intrigue collide and a single deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars must get done at any cost. 

Winner: Rob Gokee Best Original Music IAWTV Awards, Rob Gokee Best Original Music Indie Soap Awards

Nominated: Sam Martin Best Actor in a Drama Indie Soap Awards

STATUS: Released

Watch Season 1 on Cost of Capital TV

Created by Brian DeChesare

Executive Producer: Goldie Chan

Producer: Allison Vanore

Director: Jorge Urbina



Sam Martin as Jason

Kevin Ashworth as David


Sharon Gardner as Nancy

Timothy Guest as Robert

Eamon Sheehan as Scott

Jordan Butcher as Todd

Joshua Shibata as Leonard

Marcia Walter as Paula

Jason Weiss as Byron

Sharon Jordan as Susan

Bryan Kent as Clyde


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