The Biggest Event Since 1776
Your favorite patriotic web series, SOLO The Series, is launching Episodes 1 – 3 beginning Tues., July 6th on The SOLO Official Site.
Episode 1 – Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Episode 2 – Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Episode 3 – Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Don’t miss it! Tell your friends, neighbors, agents, managers, alien abductors and therapists!
About SOLO
Our hero, Scott Drizhal, is chosen to go on a solo, 3 year mission to Mars as part of a reality series. Unfortunately the show is canceled and Scott is now stuck on a round-trip ticket to Mars and back. With no company in deep space other than a smart-ass, artificially-intelligent ship computer (PHAL), his wife declaring him legally dead so she can claim the millions in insurance, a Napoleonic producer whose hubris lands him and the show into Japanese mafia infested waters and a malfunctioning, prototype ship that was never meant to fly to Mars… Hilarity ensues.
Starring Jonathan Nail, Michele Boyd, Jay Caputo, Jason Burns, Amol Shah, and Melissa Dalton.
Yep, Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations.
Can’t wait to watch!