We Like to Watch with Ari & Tamara



Introducing mainstream audiences to new and original indie television.

WE LIKE TO WATCH WITH ARI AND TAMARA combines the expertise of television critic, Ari Karpel, with journalist and host, Tamara Krinsky, as they dive into the new world of scripted indie television.  WE LIKE TO WATCH reviews these original series, bringing relevance to a growing medium beyond traditional film and TV, and answers the question: Play It or Pass?


  • Expose the watching world to a new realm of professionally made content.
  • Introduce the corporate and entertainment world to the shows being produced and distributed online.
  • Honestly critique what’s being made with an educated and seasoned eye by critics within and outside of the indie television community.
  • Challenge indie television producers to improve the quality and craft of indie television.
  • Hold indie television to the same standards of traditional television.

Created by Tina Cesa Ward and Allison Vanore

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